Grand Theft Auto V Bisa Dimainkan di PlayStation 5

- 13 Juni 2020, 11:49 WIB
Controller PlayStation (PS) 5.
Controller PlayStation (PS) 5. /- Foto:

Bugsnax (Young Horses)
DEATHLOOP (Bethesda)
Ghostwire: Tokyo (Bethesda)
Godfall (Gearbox Publishing / Counterplay Games)
Goodbye Volcano High (KO-OP)
Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online (Rockstar Games)
HITMAN 3 (IO Interactive)
JETT : The Far Shore (Superbrother)
Kena: Bridge of the Spirits (Ember Lab)
Little Devil Inside (Neostream Interactive)
NBA 2K21 (2K, Visual Concepts)
Oddworld Soulstorm (Oddworld Inhabitants)
Pragmata (Capcom)
Project Athia -- judul masih dapat berubah (Square Enix/Luminous Productions)
Resident Evil Village (Capcom)
Solar Ash (Annapurna Interactive / Heart Machine)
Stray (Annapurna / Blue Twelve Studio)
Tribes of Midgard (Gearbox Publishing / Norsfell)
The Pathless (Annapurna Interactive / Giant Squid)

Baca Juga: Terima Suap dan Gratifikasi Total Rp 20,15 Miliar, Imam Nahrawi Dituntut 10 Tahun Penjara

PS5 akan diluncurkan dalam dua pilihan yaitu model standar dengan drive disk Blu-ray Ultra HD, dan model digital tanpa drive disk.

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Editor: Sugih Hartanto

Sumber: Permenpan RB



